December 29, 2007

Leo's First Christmas

Oh my, what a wonderful Christmas we had! Santa visited our little house on Chester Street and left a wonderful present for Leo and even filled his stocking! Leo must have been a good boy because he received a very cool fire truck toy, which he has truely enjoyed playing with.

Out of his stocking he pulling a brand new sippy cup, a couple of pacifiers, some puffs and a new book. After Christmas morning at home, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house (Anspach). Leo couldn't believe his eyes when he saw all of the presents under the tree! Santa has been to Sheryl Court also. He even had another stocking filled to the brim. Grandpa had stuffed his stocking with a Baby Einstein box set. It is awesome and Leo has really enjoyed it. He also loved his very first Lowe's gift card which was stuffed in his stocking as well. I think Jeremy will have to help him spend that one. After a heartfelt Christmas morning goodbye at Grandma and Grandpa's, we headed out to Jeremy's Aunt Deb's house.

Leo rolling around on the floor with Grandpa...
as usual!!!

We had a wonderful Turkey dinner with all of the fixings at Deb's house. We always enjoy visiting with Deb, she is wonderful. We then came back to our house with Heather, Dave, Ella, Zak, Grandma Kathy and Uncle Adam. What do you know...our tree was once again floating on a sea of presents. We are so fortunate. I am going to post some of our Christmas pictures for all of you to enjoy, and then perhaps a special treat at the end of this post. Hmmmm...what did I get for Christmas?????

Leo and his younger cousin (by 5 1/2 weeks)


Leo loves his new bouncy Zebra!

Goodbye, adult home.

Leo loves his cousin Ella Rose.

I have a new toy. My husband got me the coolest little device for Christmas. It is called a flip video and it is a mini video camera. It has a USB right on it, so I can just plug it into my computer. Jeremy got it for me so I can post video on Leo's blog. He knows how much fun I have with this little hobby of mine. So, I am going to post my first two videos. I didn't get too many Christmas videos, like opening presents. I was too busy with our big video camera! I will post more later.

Silly Leo during breakfast

I hope you all also had a wonderful Christmas! Round two will be coming next weekend for us when Doug, Michelle and the girls come to Plymouth! Unfortunately they were unable to come last weekend because of the snowstorm. We can't wait!

Until next time,

Jenny and Leo

December 10, 2007

PARTY time!

We had a fun weekend celebrating Lucy's 1st Birthday on Saturday! Leo and Lucy are best friends and a
re exactly 3 months apart in age. Rachell and I have had so much fun being mothers together, and before that sharing our pregnancies.

Birthday Princess!

I don't think Leo (or Jeremy) appreciated the "Birthday Princess" hat.
They didn't think it was quite funny as everyone else did. He, he...

Have a great day!

Jenny and Leo

December 8, 2007

Santa Claus!

Leo got all bundled up to go see Santa! Every year Santa comes to downtown Plymouth and visits with the kids a few weeks before Christmas. It is such a fun event, we go every year. The high school choir sings Christmas carols and the downtown is alway decorated with lots of lights. Everyone always has a wonderful time at this event. We met up with Grandpa and a few other friends on the very, very chilly night. Leo was hilarious in his winter coat. We had so many layers that there was no way he could put his arms down any further than they are in that picture. So funny!

Leo was trying to keep Jeremy warm.

After Santa pulled up and the carolers were finished we were surprised with a nice fireworks display!

Leo didn't react at all to Santa. He was just like, "Eh, someone else is holding me now". Santa did say that he knew Leo had been good this year though.

We even got to see Mrs. Claus!

Leo and Lucy enjoyed seeing Santa together!

Leo was so happy to see his buddy Vaughn!

I hope everyone is getting into the Holiday spirit just like we are at the Sickmiller House!
Have a wonderful, wonderful week!

Jenny and Leo