We had a wonderful time searching through the fields full of trees to find just the perfect one to take home this year! We always go to Hensler's Nursery to get our Christmas tree. It is the same place we got our pumpkins from this year, if you remember that post from a few months ago.
Leo really enjoyed RUNNING around in the mud looking at all of the trees!
Searching, searching, searching...
We found it! Jeremy and Leo cut our tree down and we started the long trek to the wagon to hitch a ride back about 2 miles back to the car!
Leo is a very good helper. Our tree is huge! A 9-footer this year.
I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit! We sure are at our house!
Leo is obsessed with his new hat and mittens. He has been wearing them all over the house! He thought is was really fun to pet the cat and dog with mittens on. Charlie thought it was great too. Can't you tell?
This weekend was the Annual Downtown Halloween event! Most of the downtown businesses give away candy on the sidewalk. It is such a neat, small town thing to do. This was Leo's first year attending because it was too cold last year. We had so much fun! Leo and I went with Grandpa. Jeremy would have loved to have gone, but he is working in Australia for a couple of weeks and we really miss him.
We marched in the Parade!
Leo rode on Grandpa's shoulders for about an hour and was amazed. He would lean down and look at Grandpa and chat with him. It was like he forgot that Grandpa was down there!
You can see the dum-dum sucker in Leo's hand. He carried that sucker around for an hour and it never went in his mouth. He didn't know that it was candy! He just thought he was cool carrying it around. It did hit the ground about 20 times, so I am glad he didn't stick it in his mouth.
Leo's new school submitted some colored pictures to a contest sponsored by the Pilot News here in Plymouth. The Pilot News then hung all of the pictures submitted on its front window. Here is Leo's picture!
Beautiful, isn't it? We may have an artist in the family!
The collective bunch of pictures. Leo's picture is 2nd row from the bottom on the right hand side, three over.
Another cool thing that happened this weekend was that Leo and I made the front page of the Pilot News!
We were lucky enough to hang out with our good friends Mike, Mel and Morgan Ulrich this weekend. I thought these pictures were pretty dramatic showing the kids' growth. They were taken about 14 months apart. They grow so fast!
We had a great time at Hensler's Nursery this past weekend! We had never gone to their Fall Fest before, but we do go to Hensler's every year to cut down our Christmas tree. The place is just awesome! There was something wrong about our trip on Sunday though...it was 90 degrees! That is just not right.
Leo didn't really feel like posing for any pictures, so we just snapped when we could!
Leo was fascinated with the "reindeer"! They are out in full force during the Holiday season, but we got to sneak a peak in October! How cool for us!
Leo enjoying a banana and juice before school! He now sits at the table like a big boy and he loves it.
It has been too long since I have posted. We are keeping busy around here! Leo started a new "school" a couple of weeks ago and he is loving it. He brings home paintings and crafts every day. We are running out of room on our refrigerator! This month they are learning about apples, the letters have been "N" and "M", and the color of the month is brown. Leo's school was canceled one day last week because of a death in the family, so my friend Rachell and her daughter Lucy (Leo's girlfriend who also attends school with Leo) decided to play hookey from work and go shopping! Both of the kids were measured for new shoes. It's about time to put the sandals away! Leo is a size 7.5 XW. Oye.
We had a wonderful Blueberry Festival/Labor Day weekend! Leo's cousins, Ella and Zak, came to visit and we ate a bunch of fair food. It was awesome!
Blueberry Shake!
The Sickmiller Family loves their Blueberry Shakes!
Leo stole our friend Renee's lemonade. He loved it!
Wrong hole, buddy.
We played at the park while Ella (or Ella's parents) waited in line for a pony ride.
Leo likes playing in the dirt, if you can't tell from his fingernails. Ewwww!
Leo had a great time at the parade. He and his cousins were all pretty well behaved. A few times Leo tried to run out and join in the parade, but was quickly snatched up by one of us. He really liked the bands and the firetrucks. He was laughing and waving at everybody. It was so cute! After one minor injury, we left the parade with smiles on our faces!