The Birthday Boy!

Zak devoured his 1st Birthday cake!
About half way through Zak's cake, Leo noticed what was going on. He made his way up to the front of the crowd to Zak's high chair. He was trying to pull himself up there because he wanted some cake too! He didn't realize that Zak had patiently watched him eat his birthday cake only a few weeks ago!

Do not feel too bad for Leo, he did get to enjoy
some of his cousins birthday cake!

Ella didn't have her cake at this party. She is having a birthday blow-out next weekend with her friends at the Bounce Zone. She just had presents at this party and to a 4 year old, that's pretty important!

She tried to make her little brother look at the camera. She thought if she just moved his head we could get a good picture! She is so

I guess she did it!

Aunt Heather and Zak (with Jo in the background).

Jeremy with nearly 60 pounds of baby.

Leo had a great time playing with Ella's doll
house. Or as Jeremy would call it, a Fort.
Have a fantastic week!
Jenny and Leo