We had a fun weekend hanging out with our friend Jimmy who was home visiting from Georgia! A lot of our friends got together at his house and we had a fun day of grilling out, swimming and for the non-pregnant people, drinking. Jeremy pushed Leo on this swing for over a half an hour and he loved every second!
We took a dip!
After one swimming session I removed Leo's swim diaper and he took off! There was a yard game going on and he ripped right through it and straight to the swingset/slide combo. On the way he reached down and grabbed a bottle (plastic) of whiskey. It was hilarious. Leo running naked through the yard with a bottle of booze. Crazy. Definately a photo to share with him when he is a little bit older! Don't call Child Protective Services on me, we immediately took the bottle away (after a photo, of course).
Have a great week! We are looking forward to Blueberry Festival this coming weekend and a visit from Leo's cousins!
The usual Saturday morning for Leo and I consists of going to the Farmer's Market downtown, meeting Grandpa, and getting our weekly supply of veggies, fruit and fresh cut flowers. Today was special because Jeremy decided to come along with us. I think a main reason he went is because of the awesome breakfast burritos a local hispanic gentleman makes (which are amazing) but we will take Jeremy any way we can get him.Leo thinks he runs the Farmer's Market. He gets out of his stroller and just cruises around. Every now and then you will just hear a random person say, "Hi Leo"! He is the King of Farmer's Market.
Leo always find some yummy stuff to munch on while shopping. Today started off with some blueberry cobbler. He and Grandpa shared one.
After his cobbler, Leo decided he wanted some straight blueberries, which he devoured. Blueberries are one of his favorite things to eat!
After his blueberries ran out, he munched on some cantelope. Delicious!
Leo really does think he runs Farmer's Market. He likes to get out of his stroller and cruise around, chatting with people and chasing dogs. Many people know who he is, so you will hear in passing, "Hi Leo"! He really is the King of the Farmer's Market.
Messy boy! Good thing I brought along wet wipes for his face and hands!He is getting to be such a big boy...