September 4, 2008

Blueberry Festival

We had a wonderful Blueberry Festival/Labor Day weekend! Leo's cousins, Ella and Zak, came to visit and we ate a bunch of fair food. It was awesome!

Blueberry Shake!

The Sickmiller Family loves their Blueberry Shakes!

Leo stole our friend Renee's lemonade. He loved it!

Wrong hole, buddy.

We played at the park while Ella (or Ella's parents) waited in
line for a pony ride.

Leo likes playing in the dirt, if you can't tell from his fingernails.

Leo had a great time at the parade. He and his cousins were all pretty well behaved. A few times Leo tried to run out and join in the parade, but was quickly snatched up by one of us. He really liked the bands and the firetrucks. He was laughing and waving at everybody. It was so cute!

After one minor injury, we left the parade with smiles on our faces!

Have a great week!


Jenny and Leo