This weekend was the Annual Downtown Halloween event! Most of the downtown businesses give away candy on the sidewalk. It is such a neat, small town thing to do. This was Leo's first year attending because it was too cold last year. We had so much fun! Leo and I went with Grandpa. Jeremy would have loved to have gone, but he is working in Australia for a couple of weeks and we really miss him.
Leo rode on Grandpa's shoulders for about an hour and was amazed. He would lean down and look at Grandpa and chat with him. It was like he forgot that Grandpa was down there!
You can see the dum-dum sucker in Leo's hand. He carried that sucker around for an hour and it never went in his mouth. He didn't know that it was candy! He just thought he was cool carrying it around. It did hit the ground about 20 times, so I am glad he didn't stick it in his mouth.
Leo's new school submitted some colored pictures to a contest sponsored by the Pilot News here in Plymouth. The Pilot News then hung all of the pictures submitted on its front window. Here is Leo's picture!
The collective bunch of pictures. Leo's picture is 2nd row from the bottom on the right hand side, three over.
Another cool thing that happened this weekend was that Leo and I made the front page of the Pilot News!