December 12, 2008

The Sickmiller Family Christmas Tree 2008

We had a wonderful time searching through the fields full of trees to find just the perfect one to take home this year! We always go to Hensler's Nursery to get our Christmas tree. It is the same place we got our pumpkins from this year, if you remember that post from a few months ago.

Leo really enjoyed RUNNING around in the mud looking at all of the trees!

Searching, searching, searching...

We found it! Jeremy and Leo cut our tree down and we started the long trek to the wagon to hitch a ride back about 2 miles back to the car!

Leo is a very good helper. Our tree is huge! A 9-footer this year.

I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit! We sure are at our house!


Jenny and Leo

December 1, 2008

New Hat and Mittens for Winter

Leo is obsessed with his new hat and mittens. He has been wearing them all over the house! He thought is was really fun to pet the cat and dog with mittens on. Charlie thought it was great too. Can't you tell?


Jenny and Leo

Uncle Brette and Aunt Dawn!

We were lucky enough to visit with Uncle Brette and Aunt Dawn last week! They were in the area, visiting from their home in Florida.

Leo had a blast playing his favorite game of
"Here ya go"with Uncle Brette.

Leo was busy playing/eating Aunt Dawn's pack of Melba Toast.

Playing with Uncle Brette's hat

Messing around with Uncle Brette!

Have a great week!
We loved seeing you, Uncle Brette and Aunt Dawn! We miss you so much and its always fun being with you!


Jenny and Leo