Leo had a lot of cousin time over the holidays! Pictured here are Grace, Paige and Ella. At first Leo didn't want to take a picture, then he decided he would. So, he goes right in front of the girls and just plops on the ground. We will take what we can get though!
I believe this was chocolate milk and snack time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma and Grandpa with all of their grandchildren (that are not in the womb still....Four more weeks)!
Leo had fun with his cousins Zak and Ella!
Zak and Ella have one of these trampolines at home, so they showed Leo how to jump, jump, jump! He loves it!
Diego action figure #1
Diego action figure #2
Diego action figure #3.Yep, he got three of them! I have to say though, he loves them and plays with all of them!
Leo loves his sweet new train table that Santa brought! He has played with it every day since Christmas!The train table also has a cover for it, so it is a perfect coloring table too!
Our beautiful self-portrait! Leo is saying "Cheeeeese"!