February 27, 2009

All is well!

Little Peanut!

Leo then in his bouncy seat.....

Leo now!

All is well with us. Marcy is thriving, Leo is a joy and we are all happy!

I'll update more soon!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy

February 16, 2009

And Marcy makes 4

Introducing Marcy Rae!

She was born on Feb. 11th at 3:16 in the afternoon! She weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and is absolutely perfect in every way! After our scheduled induction was postponed for two days (yes, very upsetting and frustrating...) we arrived at the hospital at 6 a.m. to meet our little girl-and a short 9 hours later we did!

Leo had a good time at the hospital visiting us. He has loved Marcy since the moment he saw her, as we all do.

Leo is obsessed with holding his little sister. He always sits on the couch with his pillow patting it for the "baby". The funny thing is though, once she is on his lap, he will hardly touch her. He holds his hands up like he is in the picture above. Every once in awhile he will stroke her head, but for the most part its hands off! We never told him not to touch her, in fact, we encourage that he gives her kisses and strokes her head. He is a goofball.

Precious girl.

Daddy and his little girl.
Life is good, indeed.

Coming home from the hospital

Leo made a great card for his little sister at school that day!

The Happy Family

So I guess it is time to change the name of the blog from "Leo Douglas" to "Leo Douglas and Marcy Rae". I am going to keep the web address the same, however. Enough people (hopefully) look at the website and I don't want to loose any of our posts.
Until next time, we love you all.
Thank you for all of the happy thoughts and warm wishes!
Jenny, Leo and Marcy

February 5, 2009

Our little Angel

The look of pure innocence.

How could my perfect boy make such a mess in his bedroom? Notice the upsidedown sippy cup in his empty drawer. Where did all of the clothes go? Also, his crib is usually on the wall OPPOSITE of where his little dresser is. We have since put the wheel locks on.

Ahh, the clothes ended up in the middle of his floor! How fun!

He successfully emptied all of his clothes out of his drawer.

Oh wait, I see one little shirt left.

We are all getting ready for a new baby here at the Sickmiller house. Even Leo is joining in. He is learning to diaper his teddy bear, Freddie.

He is going to be such a good big brother.


I hope everyone has an enjoyable week! It will be an interesting one for us, to say the least.
I guarantee that the next post will include the new baby, Marcy Rae!
Signing off for the last time as a duo,
Jenny and Leo