November 29, 2010

The 2010 Sickmiller Family Christmas Tree!

We had a great time picking out our Christmas Tree this year! The weather was a balmy 42 degrees and the sun shone brightly. We really couldn't have asked for a better day!

 We went to Henslers again this year and took a lovely horse drawn ride out to the trees. 

The kids had a blast running around all of the trees, zooming in and out of the rows!

Marcy is having a great time!

 We found the ONE!

After finding the perfect tree, Jeremy cut it down with his two helpers near (but not too near, Mom).

Relaxing on the tree waiting for our ride back.

After returning to the main area, we had our first Santa visit of the year. Leo was not shy at all and chatted with Santa for some time. Marcy wasn't so sure. I think immediately before and after this picture was taken she was not smiling. :)

All in all we had a wonderful day and found the perfect tree! Now we just need to decorate it!

Have a great week!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy

November 3, 2010


Our little ladybug

Our cowboy

We trick or treated at the downtown businesses and also we went to a couple special houses. Leo was thrilled to see some of his favorite people SPIDERMAN!

The Easter Bunny...

and Shrek!

Trick or treating with Grandpa


Have a great week!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy