December 18, 2011

The Evolution of a Christmas Tree

We went out to one of our favorite places again this year to find the PERFECT Christmas Tree! We had great weather again this year for our adventure. Here we are on our horse-drawn ride out to the tree fields.

We always go for a Fraser Fir!

Standing in front of our tree!

Way to go, Daddy!

Here are two very excited kiddos!

Loading the tree up for our ride back...

Good thing Leo and Marcy are there to help hold up the tree.


Bad picture, but this is our finished project. Actually it looked a little different in the following days. We had our tree fall down twice! The kids were much happier about it than Jeremy and I because they got to decorate it three times. We had to clean it up twice. :) Oh well, we ended up with a perfect tree!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy

November 29, 2011

Leo gone wild

This is what happens when you let a 4 year old play with your camera....

Taking pictures of himself...

One of his sister...

One of his favorite books, Biscuit's Day at the Farm

the cat...

the dog...

his farm...

 Woody and Leo's toes...

the cat door leading to the basement...

his firetruck...

and DADDY!!!!!

Have a great week!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy

November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween

Leo is a chicken farmer. Not just a farmer, a chicken farmer. If you are wondering what he is doing in this picture, let me tell you. You may not be able to see but he has a watch on. He is also digging in his front pocket. When I asked him what he was doing he said that it was time to feed the chickens. So, he is digging chicken feed from his pocket. Oh that boy. Marcy is my little princess! She loved her costume so much and looked just adorable in it!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood and did some trick or treating. The kids sure ended up with a couple of overflowing buckets!

Trick or Treat!

The Princess is going to attack me!!!!

Leo and Daddy. xoxo

Have a great week!

Jenny, Leo and Marcy

October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Visit

We had a fun time at a new pumpkin patch this year!

We are waiting for Daddy to buy tickets, you can see him patiently standing in line behind the kids.

 Leo and Marcy loved the "cow train"!

Marcy loved the pedal cars. Leo wasn't too interested in them.

 A neat pillow jumpy thing!

This corn room was the kid's favorite part, I think. It is an area with about one foot of corn. It was so dusty in there. They absolutely loved it though!

Leo found a gourd that he thought looked like Captain Hook's hook! :)

Have a GREAT week!

Jenny, Leo and Marcy

October 18, 2011

Leo and Marcy's First Purdue Visit!

We met up with some good old friends of mine at Purdue a few weeks ago. Most of these people have been my friends since the first few weeks of my freshman year at Purdue 16 years ago. I love these people dearly, they are truly some of my best friends!

Checking out a neat model of campus

The kids loved the fountains!

It was so much fun to bring our kids to campus. Such a strange thing to have all of our children stomping around OUR old stomping grounds!

 Starbucks and chocolate milk at the student union. It sure has changed a lot!

Lunch at the Lafayette Brewing Company, of course!

I had one of my favorite days ever!

Jenny, Leo and Marcy