March 21, 2012


Although there has not been much snow this year, the kids were able to build a couple snowmen at their daycare. This picture was submitted to the local paper. Leo must have been running around in the snow that day when they gathered for a pic. :)

Bike riding

Marcy got her first bike!

She really picked up bike riding quickly. She was so excited about her new princess bike. She just needs to learn to keep her eyes ahead of her, look where she is going and realize she can't blow her horn while driving!

We also got Leo a new bike this year. He picked out the "dino bike". That is what he has named his new treasure. He loves it! It is easier for him to ride this one because it is bigger than his bike from last year. 

 This is one happy boy!

The first of many bike rides
this spring and summer!

Hope you have a great week!


Jenny, Leo and Marcy

March 7, 2012

Pirate and Princess Party!

The Pirate and the Princess before the party
We had such a wonderful time at the kids' party. I wish I had more pictures during the party itself, but we were all busy having too much fun to take pictures!

Marcy that morning in front of her big sign. :)
Her ceiling fan decorated. She loved it!
 Yummy princess cupcakes!
And one for the princess herself. :)

All of the princesses got cute little goodies and dress up gear for the party. It was so cute!

 Of course we couldn't leave out the pirates!

 The kid's cousin Ella was 1/2 pirate and 1/2 princess. She called herself a "princerate". We love her!

 We put up a "3" with Marcy pictures and a "5" with Leo pictures. Jeremy says we should just leave it up for
my 35th birthday this weekend. :)

We had the most fun this birthday season! It's been a couple of weeks since the party and the kids are still talking about it!

Have a great week!

Jenny, Leo and Marcy

Happy 5th birthday, Leo

Happy birthday, buddy! I can't believe Leo is already 5. 5 is a big year with a lot of exciting things happening. We'll do t-ball for the first time this summer and then start Kindergarten in the fall. YIKES!

 It seems just like yesterday that he was born.
Time flies, that's for sure. 

 Leo's Wild Kratt's Cake!

He loves his present, the Batcave. He has played with it constantly since opening it on Saturday. :)

We love you, Leo. Happy birthday!
Have a great week!
Jenny, Leo and Marcy