July 5, 2007

Fourth of July

We had a very nice 4th of July! No sparklers for Leo this year, however. He would put them directly into his mouth! The fireworks going off all over town did not seem to bother him. They didn't bother his best friend Charlie either! Here are a couple pictures of the two best friends.

Kesha, Sherry and Maya came over for a visit on the 4th. We had fun chatting and playing with Leo. Charlie and Maya became fast friends also!
Jimmy also stopped by for a visit.
We will miss him when he has to go back to Georgia!

We then went over to Grandma Sally & Grandpa Doug's house for a 4th of July cookout. Leo had a wonderful time! Grandpa smoked some ribs (delicious as usual) and Grandma made the greatest potato salad ever.... and my favorite...butterscotch pie!

Leo and Grandma Sally

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leo, you are a sweet little cupcake! I loved visiting with you and your parents! Keep your mommy and daddy on their toes. See ya again in the fall :) XOXO Aunt Kesha