July 23, 2007

Lucky Boy!

Leo, Grandma and Grandpa went downtown on S
aturday for one reason and one reason only. To get a balloon hat from the "balloon guy". Well, this particular balloon guy did not make hats. This is the story. Jeremy, Leo and I went to "Family Day at the Park" the Saturday before to get a balloon hat from the balloon guy there. So, we stood in line for about 5 minutes and did not move an inch. So we decided that we would sit down and wait for the band to start. Certainly when the band started the kids would scatter to the stage, right? We enjoyed the band so much that we ended up watching the entire show! So then we went to stand in line again to get Mr. Leo a balloon hat. We were there for another few minutes and we noticed a little girl 3 people in front of us had a sign around her neck that said, "I am the last person in line for today. Hope to see you next time".

We were bummed out. Family Day was a Park Dept. sponsored event and of course I am the office manager at the Park Dept. If anyone's child shou
ld get a balloon hat, mine should, right? Wrong. We did not get one that day. But a balloon creation was in the near future for Leo...

Fast forward to this past weekend. Grandma and Grandpa took Leo downtown to see a different balloon guy. This particular balloon guy did not make hats. So...they got h
im a black and white balloon dog. I think Leo enjoyed the dog even more than he would have a hat.
Way to go G-ma and G-pa!

Here are a couple of pics!

Jeremy and Leo at Family Day in the P

Jetta and the Jellybeans rocked the house!

Leo, Grandma and the balloon guy (who doesn't make hats).

Leo, Mommy and the balloon doggie, Spot.

Until next time, We love you!
Jenny and Leo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates!!! Its almost like we're there. And yes, he is CUTE!

Aunt Dawn and Uncle Brette