Oh my goodness, we had so much fun eating "veggies" for the first time this weekend! Leo had been doing well all week eating cereal. He seems to really like it now, he opens his mouth and enjoys it. It was definitely time to give him some good stuff. The minute Leo got a taste of something other than rice cereal in his mouth, he went n-u-t-s! Let's just say that Jeremy could not get the sweet potatoes in his mouth fast enough. You will see in one of the pictures that Leo was not patient when we had to refill his bowl with more sweet potatoes. We are lucky to have a baby that is so well tempered. The only time Leo gets upset and cries is really when he wants food. Well, as you will see in one of the following pictures, he felt we were not feeding him fast enough. The minute we had the spoon in his mouth, he was smiling again. Phew!

This is the picture taken when Jeremy was refilling Leo's bowl.

As soon as he had another bite, we had our happy baby back!
Have a wonderful week! We sure will....Blueberry Festival is this coming weekend! I cannot wait. I love the Blueberry Festival. It is the 2nd largest Festival in Indiana and it's in my park! I get to see the entire Festival come together from my big office window! I have to say this is my favorite week of work all year. Another reason I am so excited is because Heather, Dave, Ella and Zak will be staying with us for the weekend! Heather and I equally love the Festival, so we will have a great time. You can be sure that I will update Leo's blog with some pictures of his first Blueberry!
Love, Jenny and Leo
1 comment:
I guess next time we see you guys, we'll have to get extra Busters so that Leo will let Jenny have one!
You know who
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