Happy Birthday to our big guy!
It is so hard to believe that he is 1 year old already. The year has really just gone so fast. Too fast, I think sometimes. At every stage of his life I have said, "Oh, I wish he could just stay like this forever". When he was a little peanut, I said it. When he starting cooing, I said it. When he started smiling, I said it. When he was just sitting up, I said it. Now here he is 1 year old. On the other side of things, I am also very excited for his future and the fun that will bring. There is so much to look forward to. I guess all we can do is enjoy the time we have and make the most of every single moment.
We had a wonderful birthday party on Saturday at our house. Leo was in a great mood (as usual) and he got to play with all his little friends and his family.

He even got one all for himself to smash, which he did like a seasoned pro.

Check out that gut!
Uncle Doug said whe should have gotten Leo a treadmill for his birthday!

Leo and all his buddies had a blast opening his gifts!

Leo's sweet new ride.
He was cruisin' it around for all the ladies at his party.
Cousins Ella and Zak thought the buggy was pretty cool too!
Looking through Leo's pictures, I saw this picture of Brittley literally minutes after Leo was born and compared it to a picture of them at the birthday party.
I love looking at these two pictures together!
Sorry B, I had to post 'em.

He was cruisin' it around for all the ladies at his party.

Looking through Leo's pictures, I saw this picture of Brittley literally minutes after Leo was born and compared it to a picture of them at the birthday party.
I love looking at these two pictures together!
Sorry B, I had to post 'em.

Thank you to everyone that has filled Leo's first year with love and happiness!
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Until next time,
Jenny and Leo
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Until next time,
Jenny and Leo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!!! We love you! Wish we could be there and be able to spend time with you.
Glad to see you had such a great first birthday party!
Thanks for sharing your pictures and your first year with us through your blog.
We love all of you!
Uncle Brette and Aunt Dawn
What an awesome year! Thanks for letting us be a part of it.
Love you so much...
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