November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My parents and Jeremy's family came over to our house. This was our third year hosting Thanksgiving and we love it.
Leo had a wonderful time visiting with his cousins, Ella and Zak.
Here are a few pictures of our fun day.
I hope everyone else had a wonderful Turkey Day!

It started snowing on Thanksgiving and we had to take Leo outside! I swear if my Grandma were alive she would have choked on her peppermint. Don't worry Grams,
we just stepped right outside my front door.

What's up?

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgivings as much as we did!


Jenny and Leo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving too, but would have been so much better if we'd been able to be with you guys!

Pictures are great! And yes, I did notice the snow on Grandpa's sweatshirt.

Love to All.

Aunt Dawn and Uncle Brette