March 7, 2012

Pirate and Princess Party!

The Pirate and the Princess before the party
We had such a wonderful time at the kids' party. I wish I had more pictures during the party itself, but we were all busy having too much fun to take pictures!

Marcy that morning in front of her big sign. :)
Her ceiling fan decorated. She loved it!
 Yummy princess cupcakes!
And one for the princess herself. :)

All of the princesses got cute little goodies and dress up gear for the party. It was so cute!

 Of course we couldn't leave out the pirates!

 The kid's cousin Ella was 1/2 pirate and 1/2 princess. She called herself a "princerate". We love her!

 We put up a "3" with Marcy pictures and a "5" with Leo pictures. Jeremy says we should just leave it up for
my 35th birthday this weekend. :)

We had the most fun this birthday season! It's been a couple of weeks since the party and the kids are still talking about it!

Have a great week!

Jenny, Leo and Marcy

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